Outdoor In-Person Worship Sunday, May 16th

Join us this Sunday, May 16th, at 10 a.m. on the St. Peter’s, Livingston for outdoor in-person worship.  We’ll gather in the yard between the church and the rectory (the grey house to the right as you face the church front doors) at 10 a.m. with special prayers and a homily to mark the final Sunday in the Easter Season, and prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd. Please read the Diocesan guidelines below for gathering or check on our webpage: www.stpetersliv.com. We look forward to seeing you!
In-person Worship Protocols
Bring your own mask, chair, and bulletin (find it here)

Check-in at the welcome table and use the hand sanitizer

Position yourself at least 6 feet from others

No singing

No coffee/fellowship time following worship

Please leave after the service – no lingering

Restrooms will NOT be available

If you are feeling ill, have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, have a cough or fever, please stay home. Thank you for your cooperation!

Join us online here if you’re staying home.