Interfaith Thanksgiving Celebration Sunday, November 22

The Mosaic of Livingston: Celebrate Community! Join Houses of Worship, Interfaith Choirs and Clergy for our annual celebration of the Thanksgiving season! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 AT 5:00 PM on LTV (Comcast 34; Verizon 26 & 28)  …

St. Peter’s Goes Virtual – Join us for Worship Online

Dear Friends, In these challenging times, it’s important to stay connected: with God, ourselves, and one another. Below is a list of resources for worship, prayer, and encouragement. Please join us and keep in touch in whatever ways you…
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A Holy Lent: Opportunities for Prayer, Reflection, and Fellowship

Spiritual Gifts in Lent On Sundays during Lent, we’ll use the diocesan stewardship materials Behold, Become, Begin, to identify the gifts God has given each of us and the ways in which we can use them at St. Peter’s and in our communities.…

A Fond Farewell to Janice!

On Sunday, January 5, 2020, we laid hands on Janice Hoffman Woodruff to wish her and her husband, Lahr, a fond farewell as they begin a new chapter of their life in North Carolina.
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Journeying Through Lent with our Neighbors Wednesday, April 3

Join us at St. Peter's, Livingston as we host an informal Lenten Eucharist and simple meal. We'll gather in the Rector (the gray house next to the church) at 7 p.m. and welcome our neighboring churches, St. Peter's, Essex Fells and Holy Spirit,…

St. Patrick’s Parish Dinner

Join us for corned beef, fellowship, and storytelling at 4:30 p.m. in the Rectory on Sunday, March 17th. Call Janice (973-992-6402) for further information or sign-up on Signup Genius. We’ll share stories following our meal using the…

Shrove Sunday Pancakes

Sunday, February 11th is the last Sunday in Epiphany, and to prepare for Lent we'll have a Shrove Sunday pancake brunch in the Rectory following our 10 a.m. worship.